04 Mar

What is NUST SUMMER SCHOOL? Where is it?

The NUST SUMMER SCHOOL is a special pre-college program at NUST (National University of Sciences & Technology) in Pakistan, a prestigious institute of higher learning in Islamabad, that has become a benchmark of excellence in South Asia. 

This program is the first-ever in Pakistan and hosted international teachers from all over the world.

When is it? For whome?

During summer 2023 the program hosted selected high-school students, studying FSc and A-Levels. The program aims at helping highly talented students identify their areas of interest so that they could make right career choices. Furthermore, the program is an amalgam of all-round extra-curricular activities, counselling and leadership sessions, an exclusive mind training for selected students and preparatory sessions for the NET.

What courses?

The courses taught would be activity-based and would incorporate basics of different disciplines. The program aims at enriching the intellectual experience of the participants. It will also give them an opportunity to exchange views and promote harmony among various sections of the society.

The course content, other than being oriented to potential undergraduate students, also engaged the students in recreational and co-curricular activities under the auspices of various student-run clubs and societies at NUST to instill in them the sense of belonging.

Purpose of this experience

The whole experience provided a wonderful introduction to the foundation knowledge of all of the disciplines that NUST offers in the state-of-the-art facilities and academic environment and a totally new approach to teaching and learning techniques, in combination with MIND TRAINING in excellence, resilience and presentation with selected students. 


Open discussion, Q & A, space for demos, experiments, fun, games etc.
Goal: Network forming/optimization, deeping of learning contents and experiences, room for personal needs of students.
 Personal zoom meetings (as a group and per person) for invited members.

Next meeting: You need a personal invitation to the closed whatsApp group - there you find all dates and meetings. Thank you! 
To join our regular personal zoom meetings, please, contact me via per whatsApp.


Login to summer school: https://summerschool.nust.edu.pk/ 

Instagram: www.instagram.com/nustsummerschool2023/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/NUSTSummerSchool/

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